Working with graphs

The Dipper graph package provides two graph implementations, a RDFGraph which is an extension of the RDFLib [1] Graph [2], and a StreamedGraph which prints triples to standard out in the ntriple format.


The RDFGraph class reads the curie_map.yaml file and converts strings formatted as curies to RDFLib URIRefs. Triples are added via the addTriple method, for example:

from dipper.graph.RDFGraph import RDFGraph

graph = RDFGraph()
graph.addTriple('foaf:John', 'foaf:knows', 'foaf:Joseph')

The graph can then be serialized in a variety of formats using RDFLib [3]:

from dipper.graph.RDFGraph import RDFGraph

graph = RDFGraph()
graph.addTriple('foaf:John', 'foaf:knows', 'foaf:Joseph')

# Or write to file
graph.serialize(destination="/path/to/output.ttl", format='turtle')


@prefix OBO: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

foaf:John foaf:knows foaf:Joseph .

When an object is a literal, set the object_is_literal param to True

from dipper.graph.RDFGraph import RDFGraph

graph = RDFGraph()
graph.addTriple('foaf:John', 'rdfs:label', 'John', object_is_literal=True)

Literal types can also be passed into the method:

from dipper.graph.RDFGraph import RDFGraph

graph = RDFGraph()
    'foaf:John', 'foaf:age', 12,
     object_is_literal=True, literal_type="xsd:integer"


StreamedGraphs print triples as they are processed by the addTriple method. This is useful for large sources where. The output should be sorted and uniquified as there is no checking for duplicate triples. For example:

from dipper.graph.StreamedGraph import StreamedGraph

graph = StreamedGraph()
graph.addTriple('foaf:John', 'foaf:knows', 'foaf:Joseph')


<> <> <> .