Configuring dipper with keys and passwords

Add private configuration parameters into your private conf.yaml file. Examples of items to put into the config include:

  • database connection parameters (in the “dbauth” object)
  • ftp login credentials
  • api keys (in the “keys” object)

These are organized such that within any object (dbauth, keys, etc), they are keyed again by the source’s name.

Here is an example:: {

“keys”: {
“omim”: “myomimkey1234”, “omimftp”: “myomimftpkey5678”, “ncbi”: “myncbikey”,

}, “dbauth”: {

“mgi”: {
‘user’: ‘mymgiuser’, ‘password’: ‘mymgipw’, ‘host’: ‘’, ‘database’: ‘mgd’, ‘port’: 5432




This file must be placed in the dipper package directory and named conf.yaml. If building locally this is in the dipper/dipper/ directory. If installed with pip this will be in path/to/env/lib/python3.x/site-packages/dipper/ directory.