dipper.sources.MyDrug module

class dipper.sources.MyDrug.MyDrug(graph_type, are_bnodes_skolemized, data_release_version=None)

Bases: dipper.sources.Source.Source

Drugs and Compounds stored in the BioThings database

MY_DRUG_API = 'http://c.biothings.io/v1/query'

Need to figure out how biothings records releases, for now if the file exists we will assume it is a fully downloaded cache :param localfile: str file path :return: boolean True if remote file is newer else False


Note there is a unpublished mydrug client that works like this: from mydrug import MyDrugInfo md = MyDrugInfo() r = list(md.query(‘_exists_:aeolus’, fetch_all=True))

Parameters:is_dl_forced – boolean, force download
files = {'aeolus': {'file': 'aeolus.json'}}
parse(limit=None, or_limit=1)

Parse mydrug files :param limit: int limit json docs processed :param or_limit: int odds ratio limit :return: None